Get User Proxy

User Proxy

This endpoint allows you to see the user proxy assignments


nameParameter typeData TypeValuesDescription
proxyQueryQuerystringstringSearch by proxy user, can search by email or full name
userQueryQuerystringstringSearch by user, can search by email or full name
searchByNameQuerybooleanfalsetoggle search
pageNumberQueryinteger1Starting page number
pageSizeQueryinteger100max items to return, do not exceed 1000

Sample Requests

No Params

GET {{host}}/api/rest/v1/management/user/proxy HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {{auth}} 

Search by Proxy User, to see who they are allowed to proxy as.

GET {{host}}/api/rest/v1/management/user/proxy? &searchByName=false HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {{auth}} 

Search by User to see who can proxy on their behalf

GET {{host}}/api/rest/v1/management/user/proxy? &searchByName=false HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {{auth}} 

Sample Responses

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "proxyUser": {
      "id": 8278,
      "email": "",
      "fullName": "Ab Lincoln"
    "users": [
        "id": 8473,
        "email": "",
        "fullName": "George W"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
  "message": "Proxy user with provided id does not exist."

