
DealCloud SDK - Python

DealCloud SDK is a wrapper around the DealCloud API, designed to assist clients and partners to build on top of our platform quickly and easily.


  • Ease of Development: Wraps the DealCloud API with a pythonic interface. Allowing the developer to focus on requirements rather than managing HTTP requests.
  • Best Practice: Built by Intapp, and implements our best practices for working with the DealCloud API.
  • Fast: The DealCloud SDK manages asynchronous requests under the hood, so that larger tasks are done as quickly as possible.


pip install dealcloud-sdk


Reading Data

Read from an object, filter the results and save to a file.

from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
# create DealCloud SDK client, using credentials from a JSON config file
dc = DealCloud.from_json("path/to/json_config_file.json", "creds.dc")
# read data from the company object into a pandas DataFrame.
data = dc.read_data("Company", resolve="name")
# filter companies on "CompanyType" to return only operating companies
data = data[data["CompanyType"] == "Operating Company"]
# save the result to a CSV file

Writing Data

Create a Company.

from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
# create DealCloud SDK client, using credentials from a JSON config file
dc = DealCloud.from_json("path/to/json_config_file.json", "creds.dc")
# define a company to create
company = [
        "CompanyName": "Intapp Inc.",
        "BusinessDescription": "Intelligence, Applied.",
# write the company to DealCloud
dc.insert_data("Company", company)

More Complex: Fetch stock price information from Yahoo finance, and write the information to a stock price object in DealCloud.

from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
import yfinance as yf
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # create DealCloud SDK client, using credentials from a JSON config file
    dc = DealCloud.from_json("path/to/json_config_file.json", "creds.dc")
    # fetch the previous day's market data for a ticker from yahoo finance
    ticker = "INTA"
    inta = yf.Ticker(ticker)
    day_info = inta.history(period="1day").reset_index()
    # add the ticker to the DataFrame as a lookup value to tag a Company
    day_info["Ticker"] = ticker
    # rename fields to match DealCloud API Names
    day_info.rename({"Stock Splicts": "StockSplits"}, axis=1, inplace=True)
    day_info is now a DataFrame that looks like this, all of these fields exist in DealCloud:
                           Date       Open       High        Low      Close  Volume  Dividends   StockSplits   Ticker
    0 2024-01-03 00:00:00-05:00  36.650002  37.080002  36.139999  36.450001  307600        0.0           0.0   INTA
    # create the Stock Price record in DealCloud, using the "Ticker" field on the Company object as an ID
    # to tag the Company record to the Stock Price Record
    dc.insert_data("StockPrices", day_info, use_dealcloud_ids=False, lookup_column="Ticker")