Cells Get Data

Get Data using Cells API. You're only able to retrieve 10,000 fields at a time. When working with large data sets, it's best to have a Partition function that can create large batches (example below). You can also run these batches concurrently(example below).




nameParameter typeData TypeValuesDescription
resolveReferenceUrlquerybooltrue/falseif you want to return the URL for entry
fillExtendedDataquerybooltrue/falseAppends modified DataTime and Modified By to entry data
wrapIntoArraysquerybooltrue/falseensures consistency for multi-value fields
dateTimeBehaviorqueryint0/10 is default/optional, returns date-time in UTC. 1 returns date-time values localized to user/client's time-zone settings


When requesting data, entryId and fieldId are always required. If currency field, you can optionally pass a currency value. Passing RC will return the value in the recorded currency. Passing a valid currency string will convert the stored value into the currency specified in the response.

    "entryId": 0, (required)
    "fieldId": 0, (required)
    "currencyCode": "string" (optional)

Regular Request


POST {{host}}/api/rest/v4/data/entrydata/get HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{auth}}
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2211
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2212


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2211,
    "isNoData": false,
    "value": {
      "id": 2772624,
      "name": "Test Interactions",
      "entryListId": 2013
    "requestedCurrencyCode": "RC"
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2212,
    "rowId": 23555389,
    "isNoData": false,
    "value": [
        "id": 3043023,
        "name": "REST API Guide_20201009.docx",
        "entryListId": 2010
    "requestedCurrencyCode": "RC"

Extended Request


POST {{host}}/api/rest/v4/data/entrydata/get HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: {{auth}}
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2211
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2212


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "entryId": 2772624,
    "fieldId": 2211,
    "isNoData": false,
    "value": {
      "url": "{{host}}/portal/pages/4/reports/146/entries/2772624",
      "id": 2772624,
      "name": "Test Interactions",
      "entryListId": 2013
    "requestedCurrencyCode": "RC",
    "modified": "2020-12-31T01:18:13.517",
    "modifiedBy": 8278


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
  "message": "Field with Id \"2302\" does not exist"

Working with large data sets

When working with large data sets, it's best to have a Partition function that can create large batches max size 10_000 (example below). You can also run these batches concurrently, max consistency limited to 5(example below).

C# Partition Example

DefaultBatchSize should = 10000

public static IEnumerable<List<T>> Partition<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, int partitionSize = DefaultBatchSize) 
    List<T> partition = new List<T>(partitionSize); 
    foreach (T item in sequence) 
        if (partition.Count == partitionSize) 
            yield return partition; 
            partition = new List<T>(partitionSize); 
    if (partition.Count > 0) 
        yield return partition; 

C# Concurrent Calls

public static async Task<DataResponseSchema> ChunkProcessBulkDataReadRequestsAsync(this IntappAPIClient intappClient,
    List<DataReadRequest> pullRequests,
    bool includeAuditData = false)
  // Partition data into large batch sizes not to exceed 10000
  IEnumerable<List<DataReadRequest>> batchedRequests = pullRequests.Partition();
  // Set max concurrent calls
  List<Task<DataRequestSchema>> tasks = new List<Task<DataRequestSchema>>(intappClient.MaxConcurrentAPICalls + 1);
  // Crate a place to store the expected response
  List<DataRequestSchema> pullResults = new List<DataRequestSchema>(batchedRequests.Count());
  // Use async method to fetch results while we are making new requests
  foreach (List<DataReadRequest> batch in batchedRequests)
      while (tasks.Count >= intappClient.MaxConcurrentAPICalls)
          Task<DataRequestSchema> completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);
          pullResults.Add(await completedTask);
      Task<DataRequestSchema> task = intappClient.ProcessBulkDataReadRequestAsync(batch, false, includeAuditData);
  await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
  pullResults.AddRange(tasks.Select(x => x.Result));
  return new DataResponseSchema(pullResults);