Schema Querying

The DealCloud API allows you to query the schema of a given site. The DealCloud class provides access to the schema endpoints through the following methods:

The schema models are defined using Pydantic (opens in a new tab), for clear validation, straightforward attribute access and IDE assistance.

Get Users

DealCloud.get_users() will return all users in the site. Specifically, an array of User objects. The argument: active_only is a boolean that can be passed, if true, the function will only return active users.


from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
users = dc.get_users()
for user in users:
    print(f"{}: {}")

Will output:

User 1:
User 2:
User 3:
User 4:

Get Currencies

DealCloud.get_currencies() will return the currency codes of all enabled currencies in the site. Example:

from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
currencies = dc.get_currencies()
for ccy in currencies:

Will output:


Get Objects

DealCloud.get_object() will return all configured objects in the site. Specifically, an array of Object objects. Example:

from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
objects = dc.get_objects()
for obj in objects:
    print(f"{obj.apiName}: {obj.pluralName}, {obj.singularName}")

Will output:

Company: Companies, Company
Contact: Contacts, Contact
CompanyAddress: Company Addresses, Company Address

Get Fields

DealCloud.get_fields() provides the ability to return fields configured in the site. Specifically, an array of Field objects.

There are three ways to query for fields:

  1. All Fields: call DealCloud.get_fields() with no arguments to return all fields.
from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
fields = dc.get_fields()

fields will contain a list of Field objects containing all configured fields in the site.

  1. All Fields for an Object: call DealCloud.get_fields(object_id="ObjectName") with object_id set to the desired object api name, or object id, to return all fields configured for that object.
from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
fields = dc.get_fields("Company")

fields will contain a list of Field objects, containing all fields configured in the "Company" object.

  1. A Field by Field ID: call DealCloud.get_fields(field_id=1234) with field_id set to the ID of the desired field.
from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
field = dc.get_fields(field_id=1234)

field will contain a single Field object, describing the field with ID 1234.

Get Schema

DealCloud.get_schema() is a method that will return the full DealCloud schema in a single object. The method takes the argument: key_type, which describes which field will be used as keys in the nested object structure describing the schema.

The options are:

  • api - The API name
  • display - The display name
  • id - The object/field ID

Usage Example:

from dealcloud_sdk import DealCloud
dc = DealCloud.from_yaml("path/to/yaml_config_file.json")
schema = dc.get_schema("api")

schema will contain the a Schema object with the API names as keys, as below:

api Example:

  "CompanyAPIName": {
    "CompanyObjectMetaData": "...",
    "CompanyObjectFields": {
      "Field1APIName": {
        "Field1MetaData": "..."

display Example:

  "Company Display Name": {
    "CompanyObjectMetaData": "...",
    "CompanyObjectFields": {
      "Field 1 Display Name": {
        "Field1MetaData": "..."

id Example:

Note the ID of the "Company" object is 12345 and the ID of the "Field 1" field is 123456

  12345: {
    "CompanyObjectMetaData": "...",
    "CompanyObjectFields": {
      123456: {
        "Field1MetaData": "..."