

The purpose of thos documentation is to provide an overview of the REST APIs, their capabilities, describe the available endpoints. If you're interested in exploring sample usecases, please see the guides page.

How to Run Examples

Examples for the API are written in HTTP, this allows for language agnostic examples. You're not expected to learn HTTP but if you look at the examples you may learn it anyways. To run the examples you can use Swagger, POSTMAN, VSCode or your preferred mechanism for making http request.


Every site has a swagger endpoint exposed at



Postman can consume the swagger file exposed at


VSCode Configuration

VSCode requires the REST Client plugin (opens in a new tab)

Quick overview of our APIs

Our APIs are grouped into functional areas. Each area contains several API endpoint designed to help you accomplish tasks related to these areas.

  1. Authentication - this area provides tokens that can be used with all other APIs
  2. User Management - this area provides endpoints for managing users
  3. Schema - this area contains endpoints to help you understand your site's structure.
  4. Data - this area contains endpoints for minipulating data in the site.
  5. Backups - this area contains endpoints for generating backup exports from your site
  6. Publications - this area contains endpoints for working with our real-time event APIs
  7. Marketing - this area allows you to work with marketing data, useful if you're subscribed to our Dispatch product
  8. Relationship Intelligence - this area allows you to work with our Relationship Intelligence APIs.